Chanel Classic Chevron Flap-Bag Review

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A reader recently sent in her latest fake bag review and I must say, this is by far the best replica Chanel classic chevron bag I've seen in a while. Beautiful stitching, smooth leather and not many visible differences from the real Chanel classic.

She purchased this beauty from a replica designer bags store in Dubai, however, she refused to disclose the location seeing that purchasing replica handbags is illegal and Dubai has been cracking down on the sales of these items a lot recently.

The only visible concern here is the chain. The real Chanel classic bag chains are heavy and plated... the replica bags almost always miss this and instead use cheap metal. Although I haven't felt the bag, I can immediately tell that the chains are cheaply made, which is so unfortunate (especially for the high price she paid: 500 USD)

Just a note before I start, although I do not condone the purchase of replica designer items, I do understand that people will buy them anyway, regardless of its illegality. This blog post aims to help people avoid getting ripped off, not to promote buying replica designer goods.

What do you think of this replica handbag? And where do you stand on the issue of buying fake bags?


  1. I think this bag Looks gerät!
    From where did you got it?
