Real vs. Fake: Fendi 2Jours Petite Leather Shopper

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Great news! It's replica bag review time. One of our lovely readers sent us some pictures of her brand new replica Fendi 2Jours Petite Leather Shopper. Now, we can see what the fake one looks like when compared to the real deal.

Just a note before I start, although I do not condone the purchase of replica designer items, I do understand that people will buy them anyway, regardless of its illegality. I also know that people want to buy authentic bags on sites like Ebay or but can't differentiate a replica from an authentic products. This blog post aims to help people avoid getting ripped off, not to promote buying replica designer goods.

Let's get started with the facts. Here are the specs of the authentic 2Jours:
Signature style in a petite Italian saffiano leather silhouette with logo hardware and lining.

  • Double top handles, 4.25" drop
  • Detachable adjustable shoulder strap, 21"-23" drop
  • Snap strap closure
  • Two inner compartments
  • One inside zip pocket
  • Fully lined
  • 10"W X 8"H X 4½"D
  • Made in Italy
  • It's available in 6 colors: Barely (Beige), Black, Cobalt Blue (the IT color of the season!), Grey, Pink and Poppy (Orange)
  • Price: 7,000 AED ($1,907) 

Here are some up close pictures, taken from Saks Fifth Avenue's page:

Now, on to the faux Fendi. Here are the pictures shared by an awesome LavalierDubai reader who chose to stay anonymous.

According to her email, the reader actually visited the Fendi store after purchasing the bag and found very few differences. Judging for her pictures, although they are a bit low-res, I have to agree! This bag is spot on!

Let's look at some of the differences:

  • The Fendi logo on the upper right hand corner of the replica bag is in a bold font while the authentic is significantly thinner. Same goes for the Fendi logo on the tag.
  • The tag on the replica is much longer than that of the authentic, which is a huge giveaway.
  • I asked our fan to measure the dimensions of the bag and she found that the width and height are exactly as the authentic, however, the double top handles drop at 6.5" rather than 4.25". In terms of girth, the authentic and replica look pretty much the same. 
  • It seems that the snap strap closure is waaaaay crooked! For me, this is a dead giveaway but luckily, this is inside of the bag so it is not too noticeable.
Now, it's your turn! What do you think of this replica bag or the replica industry in general? Share your thought below.

Got a bag review you would like to share? Email me


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