Is Eva Knox a Fraud?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

When it comes to reviewing websites, Eva Knox's blog, is where you want to be. She knows all there is to know about buying designer bags online. She's tried them all, judging from her vast collection of purses on her Facebook page.

From the comments on her website, it seems that Ms. Knox has thousands of readers and fans (me included) because she gives us all what we really need: good first hand advice about shopping online.

Her site, although extremely helpful, reviews buying REPLICA designer bags online. Some might not condone this behavior as it is illegal. But in her defense, I believe she's providing an invaluable service because I would like to know if any retailer, whether replica or not, is going to rip me off.Or if a website is going to send me sub-par products.

She has about 90 replica website reviews, which is quite impressive. Some are written by her from her own experiences, while others are emailed in by her readers. Out of all these reviews, one thing is pretty obvious: the only site that gets an A+ in Eva's books is PurseValley (P.V).

She has written countless times that P.V is by far the best in customer service, quality and reliability. Check out this article as one of the many examples of her constant adulation of the site.

During the time when I was thinking of buying a knock-off bag, I was so convinced that my first purchase will be from there because of her rave reviews. But I wanted to make sure that the conclusion of P.V as a reliable website was unanimous.

Defendant 155: Eva Knox!
And turns out, it's not! According to this blog post, Eva Knox, or Sofia Nolan, OWNS PurseValley. Initially, I didn't believe it at all since it seemed so genuine. But I dug a little deeper and found that on page 17 of this serving notice, Spotbags is also known as PurseValley.

(Just FYI - serving notices come up when a brand, like Chanel or Vuitton, sues a replica website and forces it to shut down.)

There are many reviews of women who have been cheated by P.V and Nolan. I am just glad I wasn't duped like the rest of her readers who aren't aware of her ulterior motives. I don't want to call her a scam artist, but the serving notice doesn't lie.

Since then I decided that the replica handbag business is extremely shady and, of course, illegal. Not to mention that it's a bit embarrassing because people can spot a replicas a mile away.

Where do you stand on the replica debate? Let me know in the comments section!


  1. Thanks for this article. I too, after years of being content with high street handbags, decided to explore the world of replicas. Buy i always do a lot of research first before i start anything new. Found eva's blog and was very excited about purse valley. However, i noticed most of the dimensions on their bags were off. I figured if i was going to be spending money on these replicas, i might as well get the real thing, cos it'd be very embarrasing to be found carrying a fake. I now only ever purchase true designer bags and i feel a sense of satisfaction when i carry my fab LV purses. Replicas are not worth it.

  2. Thanks for the comment :)

    Yes, I was excited about it as well and i was going to make my first purchase from there. Thank god i looked into to it a bit more.

    As for buying fakes... I am not really a big fan of that.

  3. I was almost fool by PV and Eva Knox..and luckily, I did some research and saw this blog. Thank you.

  4. Almost bought from her as well.. Im thinking for trying

  5. Is this really true

  6. hi anonymous I am pretty sure it is real for no other reason than the serving notice. you can see this notice and check the page yourself. there is also another blog post about her owning Pv. I mean until she says otherwise then I'm assuming it's real.... thanks for commenting

  7. hi anonymous I am pretty sure it is real for no other reason than the serving notice. you can see this notice and check the page yourself. there is also another blog post about her owning Pv. I mean until she says otherwise then I'm assuming it's real.... thanks for commenting

  8. Thanks so much for this! It made me think twice about buying from PV. And this is clearly 100% true because every time PV changes it's domain name due to a serving notice spotbagz does the same! For example PV changed its name to, spotbagz changed their name to! Crazy! I've also heard that espotbagz writes bad reviews about other replica sites so PV seems better... Not sure how much truth there is to that but still! Thank you so much for this review again! It's a life/money saver! :)

  9. She's a scammer. Won't flat out steal your money buy she puts down and tries to shut down the 1.1 reputable sellers. And her bags are just ok at best and flat out total garbage at worst.
    As for designer bags, I for one LOVE incredible reps. The superfakes are out there and coming from someone who's very familiar with authentics, you cannot spot them unless you really inspectthisclose and know which flaws to look for on any particular bag. nd now since it's a fact that LV is doing major production in their Ghuangzho, China factory, the textiles and materials used for the superfakes as well as "authentic" are coming from the exact same place. Check out the new 2012 cheap fabric tags LV is phasing in replacing the leather heaters ps. Made in USA with imported materials <CHINA. And considering LVHM owns 20% of Chanel and is hungry for more, Chanel will soon be down this road as well.

  10. I was scammed by Eva Knox! I went to the websites she recommended and got cheap plastic. No one answers my e-mails and she blocked my comments from her site. She is a complete scam trashing other websites and promoting her own! What can I do?

    1. Hi Jenny, Sorry for the late reply. I am really sorry you went through this. The best thing you can do right now is visit review sites like TrustPilot and tell your story so others won't be scammed. For future reference, you can use ScamAdviser to test the website URL. Do let me know how this turned out.

  11. Jenny what happened? Can you let me know? Did you ever get your bag? I am considering buying a purse from I hope I don't get scammed... Should I buy or not? Please someone let me know... thanks.

    1. Hi Thea, you can use ScamAdviser to see if the URL is legit. If the trust rating is below 80%, don't even bother! You can also email them before the purchase to check their response time. More than 24 hours is a bad sign. Also, using the PayPal is advisable as they can't steal your information. Did you ever make a purchase?

  12. Is Uncle Bench fake too? Please let me know

  13. Eva and pursevalley just ripped me off, it wasn't a lot and i'm glad because i've heard all these rumours and i wanted to try it my by myself, now i've got all of the emails for the proofs, im going to write a detail blogpost and warn people not to fall into their trap!

    1. Hi, did you ever write that blog post? Let me know so I can re-post it here. Thanks!

    2. you guys should check this blogpost I found about the pursevalley scam!

      Who know how many alias these people have out there.

  14. It's true ..Girls be careful to buy something in this . I Wish I had seen all the negative reviews pursevalley before I made a $500purchase. Them send me a dirty bag and horrible watch . I try to contact customer sevice and they are either very rude (one hung up on me!) or dont reply to the couple emails... I send the goods back till now i don't received my money back ... I tell every one that have been scammed from this company please contact the .Please send a email to them let them know.Thank you

    1. Thanks for your reply! Send us pictures so we can share them on the blog and let everyone know what they are getting into!

  15. I have purchased a bag from www., its a nightmare, They said the bag is on stock and asked me to make the payment. After 2 days payment I asked them by 4 emails about my shipment tracking number, they told me that the bag i wanted is out of stock... ( grrrrr......!!!!) and the asked me to find the subtitute bag on their web... I refuse to buy and email them to cancel my purchased, but after 2 days they still not reply my emails... really feeling stupid about buying replica bags from china.... beware for anyone interested in buying things from china... can anyone give me advise how to cancel my credit card ?

    1. same story for me.. i think we are robbed :( 124.00 USD are gone.. i dont know what to do too..

    2. Sorry to hear that! Did you ever get the money back?

  16. Last time I accidentally saw on the site of a website selling bags. Went about how cheap prices. How beautiful bags now for everyone to share. URL is
    Buy bags now - Hermes,Gucci,Louis Vuitton, Celine Handbags Online Store

  17. To be honest, I don't know who Eva Knox is and I really don't care... I've bought a bag from Pursevalley a while ago and I'm very satisfied. It still in perfect condition even though I didn't took good care of it.

    1. hey there! Well the issue I was trying to highlight is that her "reviews" are biased seeing that she runs her own replica bag site. So I was pointing out that even though her site may be good (and some here are saying it is) we shouldn't believe all her other posts since she benefits from giving her competition bad reviews. I would love to see your purchase, do send us a review at

    2. Hey Amanda, I was researching about this P.V site and Eva and I found that you posted the same comment with the exact same words on everyone's post that banished P.V or Eva.

      If you wanna make a fake comment or fake "promotion", please (the very least) be a little "creative" with your comment? lol

  18. I bought birkin 35 from Pursevalley, and its unbelievable rubbish! And yes Eva Knox is the biggest scammer..
    All comments i was trying to post on her site was blocked within a minutes.
    Be careful!

  19. I ordered from delivery was on time the package was perfect and the quality of my item is perfect thanks

  20. From my experience, it was quite good. Nice selection of big brands but prices usually over my budget. Delivery was fine and no great drama.

  21. Fast, secure, reliable service fulfills my expectations, and I´ve made several purchases already...!

  22. WTF! I bought a couple of bags thanks to Eva and never had a problem!

  23. OMG, I spotted you again Amanda Torres. NO DOUBT NOW, you are someone who works for PURSEVALLEY!! GUYS JUST GOOGLE...Amanda Torres PurseValley..and a bunch of links will come up, of this person defending them. No customer will go to this extend to just keep defending PV. If one is happy with the purchase you just write it one, in their page or something, but don't continue writing it every where. Im so sad, I actually thought I was going to be able to own the Prada I wanted to a good price. Big Bummer:(

  24. so what is a good site to buy replica then ? Thanks

  25. I've bought from Designer Discreet usually as they are awesome

  26. I had never had these kind of problems with AAAReplicas they went underground for a while but are back with a new site

    btw : their Hermes are to die for.

  27. Thank you for this article. I was looking into purchasing a authentic bag and started reading about replicas and her site had me convinced so I have been trying to research and found this article. 3 years later and very useful. I hope others find this as well. I am not purchasing a replica and instead saving for an authentic one. Thanks again.

  28. Guys what about hanjin leather ... They are pretty pricey so I am very scared

  29. I always actually read as she is pretty helpful with reviews!

  30. Eva Knox is the biggest scammer going around. The websites she promotes she absolute troll and the quality of the handbags are so not worth the money, you can instantly tell that they are fakes! She should be ashamed of herself for the rubbish she sells.

    1. Have you purchased from her before? Do share your experiences!

  31. do you have information on aaareplicas?

    1. I am also looking into purchasing a handbag from aaareplicas and I was wondering the same thing!

  32. are much better to order for handbags

  33. Does anyone have some experience with

  34. She is the biggest fraud ever. She sells replica bags through an affiliate program and earn a whopping 75$ every time someone buys a bag through her links. You can read it all here:

  35. Hmm, and she is obviously lying in her reviews. I use a blog about Aliexpress to buy replicas. Not 100% straight reviews but still a lot better than hers.. Same time you get info to find the best replica bag sellers at Aliexpress which are 1/3 of the price of Pursevalleys bags..

  36. I read her blog right after purchasing my first rep in years from Joy. I was really disappointed and almost asked for the order to be cancelled after I saw Eva say in a comment that Joy is only in her top 3 of cheap rep sellers. But I didn't and figured i'd just get something like the cheapish popshoppe bag I got on ioffer years ago. Which isn't a bad rep, but does have some flaws.
    The bag I got from Joy (LV Neverfull MM Azur) is pretty much perfect. I think its really shady, in a very shady business for Eva to give Joy bad reviews and promote her own business.

  37. I bought 3 different bags from PV, a Gucci solo, LV damier azur an a Burberry shoulder bag, I can tell you unless you're really good in telling the difference between replicas and authentic you won't be able to tell the difference they're so close in the design ands the quality is AA, I too did a research and was spectacle but decided to go ahead and take the risk and am glad I did and I really don't know what everyone is talking about!!

  38. 2016 replica designer handbags

  39. 当店のロレックススーパーコピー時計は、工場 直売ですので、御売価格にて高品質な商品を御提供致しております等は全国送料無料、品質は3年無料保証、安い値段で販売させていたたきます。

  40. What happened to PurseValley, the website just shut down and their number is not a working number anymore :/ they owe me money as I was in the process of buying books Burberry bags and suddenly everything appeared to be sold out, then I was told that they're relocating warehouse it's been over 2 months and I can't get to anyone they owe me $700 dollars ��

  41. hey yall, need to checkout if you are in need of high quality rep handbags...they dont have much handbags on their site, but if you contact them on their page they can get you the rep handbag! they are american's living in china, so its GodSent really <3 BenzinOOsales <3

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