Just opened up my emails (after a looooong time) and found a reader submitted review! So exciting when people share their experiences with online shopping so that others can benefit from it.
Our dear reader, who chose to be anonymous, shopped at a Chinese replica handbag site now located on this domain name:
2015topluxuryhandbags.com. The reason I say it's now located there is because this site regularly changes their domain to avoid being prosecuted and shut down by brands like Chanel or Michael Kors.
Just a note before I start, although I do not condone the purchase of replica designer items, I do understand that people will buy them anyway, regardless of its illegality. This blog post aims to help people avoid getting ripped off, not to promote buying replica designer goods.
"Dear Lavalier,
I was looking for Fendi 'Be' Baguette Cross-body Replica and couldn't afford the hefty price tag... for some reason, the good people at Fendi think a small, leather cross body should cost 3,000 USD! Which is ridiculous! So I decided to go the replica route and I searched everywhere online but couldn't find the exact one I was looking for (beige color, gold hardware). Then I stumbled upon 2015topluxuryhandbags.com. I was terrified at first because it's in China and there were no prior reviews online. But I needed that bag so I took a leap and I am so glad I did so! Check out my awesome bag!!! This picture was taken after I wore it around for a year! It's the best bag I've ever owned and held up pretty well even though I used it almost daily for a year.

Here's my detailed experience with 2015topluxuryhandbags.com. First, I wanted to see if they were legit so I made a small purchase of about 129 USD + 60 USD fast shipping just to be sure they're not robbing me blind. It was a Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Canvas Trevi PM. The idea is that I would rather lose 189 USD than 349 USD (which is what the 'Be' Baguette costs on their site).
I spoke to the customer service and they answered pretty quickly, however, when I asked if I can see up-close pics of the bag, they refused. They can only show me pictures of the real bag once I placed my order. I thought that was shady and annoying but I went along none the less (I obviously really wanted that Fendi!)
I placed the order using my credit card because they don't have a PayPal option, which in my opinion is the safest way to transact online. They assured me it was safe and I went ahead.
A few hours later, they sent me pic of my real LV but it was really blurry and I wasn't able to see how good a quality it was. When I asked for me detailed pics, they refused. And now I know why... the LV was TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, AWFUL!
I have never seen such an atrocious looking bag. I wish I had pics, but I deleted them a few months ago and I actually gave the bag away to my house keeper.
It was a poor quality bag and to make things worse, they forgot to include the strap. So I emailed them about it and they asked me to check inside the bag like I'm some sort of an idiot. I told them it wasn't there so they shipped out a new one to the same address. I never got it.
The whole bad quality/missing strap fiasco should have put me off but I am not a quitter LOL. I made the Fendi purchase and it arrived a 10 - 12 days later, right on my door step. I paid the 60 USD extra so that I can get it before I was to travel on vacation.
The Fendi is wonderful and exactly as pictured!
Overall, I would make another purchase and they did send me 2 or 3 emails about getting my strap. I would just stay away from their LV selection. And I would always go for the more expensive option... it's expensive for a reason.
Hope you liked the review!"
Thanks so much for this! Really helpful! These are the real images of the bag and yours is spot on! I can't see a single difference.
If you have a review to share, do send it to me at lavalierdubai@gmail.com.